Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Shredder 11

Shredder 11 is almost out! No other program in the past few years has been able to win as many world championship titles as Shredder. The programmer of Shredder, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen, has been hard at work, so that this record run is in no danger of being broken. Shredder 11, is stronger than any previous version, improving over its predecessor by about 100 FIDE rating points. The new version implements a new evaluation function which delivers more realistic assessments and more efficient search techniques. The reason behind Shredder's massive improvement in performance is the massive reprogramming of its evaluation function, which helps it deliver even more precise judgments. Shredder's evaluation of passed pawns has also been greatly improved. A new feature is the 'Opening Advisor', which allows Shredder to handle opening lines much better without the need to rely on an openings book. All of these improvements lead to more realistic and reliable results during your chess analysis. Shredder 11 is also completely Windows Vista-compatible thanks to the latest Fritz interface.

Shredder 11 is available from October 31. The full details from ChessBase can be found at http://www.chessbase.com/shop/product.asp?pid=347.

Deep Shredder 11 in now listed on the CEGT rating list (
http://www.husvankempen.de/nunn/40_40%20Rating%20List/40_40%20All%20Versions/rangliste.html), which is currently being leaded by Rybka 2.3.2a x64 4CPU with a whopping 3094 rating.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cracking your knuckles

I've wondered about this for a long time and I've finally found the answer. I crack my knuckles and my neck all the time and I had no idea if there were any long-term repercussions. Everybody's heard the story that cracking your knuckles will cause you to have arthritis later in life and I've heard it countless times from my friends. The truth is if your mum tells you you're going to get arthritis, she's just passing on something someone made up a long time ago. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis.

What's with the sound? The most widely accepted theory is cavitation within the joint—small cavities of partial vacuum form in the fluid and then rapidly collapse, producing a sharp sound. This explains the popping that can occur in any joint, such as during spinal manipulation. Synovial fluid cavitation is the most likely theory and substantial evidence exists in support of it. Cracking your knuckles releases gases from the joints.

The long-term consequences of this practice have not been studied thoroughly, and the scientific evidence is inconclusive. The common parental advice "cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis" is not supported by any evidence. Joint cracking relieves excess pressure in joints. The "non-evidence" proves that it is not worth giving up such a productive habit.

Source: Kidzworld, Wikipedia

Saturday, October 20, 2007

History Excursion

We have just went on a History excursion in the city.

Our first destination was the City Museum at the Old Treasury building. This is where they used to store gold, and it's also the Governer of Victoria's office.

We then went to McDonalds, where many people didn't realize it was 'morning tea' and bought meals. My friend Jeff bought a double quarter pounder meal. I ate the 'daily essentials', an apple and banana.

Our next destination was the Eureka Tower Observation Deck, also known as 'Skydeck'. This is one of the tallest buildings in Victoria and from the top, we could see thousands of cars, houses and structures. There is also a section called 'The Edge', where you are suspended in a see-through cube 300 metres above the ground.

We then went into the centre of the city to buy lunch. Most of my friends went to Subway, one of my friends went to KFC and I went into McDonalds. I bought my favourite Filet-O-Fish burgers. McDonalds has improved this burger considerably, and it has extremely low saturated fat.

We travelled to Kino Cinema to see the movie 'Rabbit-Proof Fence' (2002), which is an emotional story depicting the 'Stolen Generation' involving several young mixed-race Aboriginal girls walking several thousands kilometres to escape from a mission (Moore River) back to their family in Jigalong.

We were dismissed from the cinema and I was able to make to the train station after a tough journey.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Computer Safety - Antivirus, Firewall and Antispyware Information

These days, people are always worrying if their computer's private data is secure. I have provided a guide to what people should have on their computer. I believe that adequate protection should be completely free. The access this guide, go to http://www.geniusprophecy.com/computer-safety.html.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Reviews Section and Other Changes

I've added a new reviews section at http://www.geniusprophecy.com/reviews.html, where I have already reviewed the recent movie Rush Hour 3 starring Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan as well as The Survival Guide to Competitive Chess by GM John Emms and paper. There has also been major changes with a range of other pages including the Star Wars page (http://www.geniusprophecy.com/starwars.html) and Ben's page (http://www.geniusprophecy.com/ben.html).