Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Junior Leaders Course (Cadet Promotions Course)

I have just attended the Junior Leaders Course (or Cadet Promotions Course) during 07/12/07-11/12/07. The Junior Leaders Course is for first-year cadets who want to become junior leaders, attain rank and take on their second year of cadets. There was also the Senior Leaders Course and the CUO/WO Course. All the courses were held at Scotch College's "Boarding House".

The course was designed to provide cadets, skills knowledge and attitudes required to perform the role of a Junior Leader within the Australian Army Cadets. We learned about treating burns, actions on getting lost, setting up a hootchie, etc. We also had to give a "drill lesson", which was especially difficult because it was our first time.

At the end of the course, cadets are deemed either competent or incompetent. If deemed competent, cadets will receive the rank of "Corporal" next year and they also receive a certificate for completing the course. I received "competency".

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